The NEXT Challenge will be the LAST Challenge

I previously sent out the FIVE most common reasons (excuses) that people have given me about why they can't write a book and become an Authorpreneur.
And I get it. The whole thing seems complex and the thought of 'writing a book' just seems like a daunting task.
But I've seen people who never thought they'd become an author not only get published but also start SELLING BOOKS and EARNING ROYALTIES!
So how does someone learn something new in a short period of time?
Through a CHALLENGE.
In March 2022, I ran the FIRST (and ONLY) Authorpreneur Challenge.
It was so much fun to see so many people 'GET IT' and get their ideas turned into books on Amazon.
And later this month, I'm reopening The Authorpreneur Challenge for the last time (in a long time).
But why only one more?
Well, a lot of people MISSED OUT on the previous Authorpreneur Challenge and have been patiently waiting for me to run another one.
And as much as I simply ENJOY talking about books, self-publishing, KDP, and Authorpreneurship, I have my own Authorpreneur project that I'm working on.
The FIRST people that I'm sharing all of the details of my Authorpreneur project with will be those those who join the next Authorpreneur Challenge.
(Eventually, everyone will see it but challengers will know the behind the scenes details and process.)
Yup, challengers get the INSIDE SCOOP on how I'm using the exact principles that I teach in The Authorpreneur Blueprint to build a passive income business using the power of self-publishing and KDP.
And this challenge will include some NEW, never-seen-before strategies that are not included in the original Authorpreneur book and course!
You can't sign up yet, but more information will be coming soon.
Any questions in the meantime, please just ask
Chris Green