There is now an Authorpreneur Group Chat!

If you are a member of the Authorpreneur Facebook Group, you can now participate in the Group Chat!
Got questions? Get answers!
KDP, self-publishing, and Authorpreneurship is, in my opinion, the BEST and MOST POWERFUL marketing tool available today.
It's free to use and is a simple process overall, but if you're new to all of this, it can feel a little overwhelming. Which is why the group and the group chat are bothe excellent places to learn more and get any of your questions answered.
Join the Facebook Group here:
And you'll then have access to the chat:
Do you have questions like:
"What's the latest techniques of getting reviews on your paperbacks?"
"How do I make my first 5000 with KDP?"
Get answers in the Authorpreneur Group Chat like this!

Completely free to join and participate. Just join the Facebook Group first and then join the chat.
See you in the chat!